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Hawthorn Park Community Primary School

School Uniform

School Uniform

At Lime Tree, we believe our uniform is an important part of our school identity and encourage parents and carers to support our high expectations

A good standard of dress, reflects our aim for high standards in all other aspects of school life. The below information can also be found in our Uniform Policy HERE.

Winter Uniform

  • Black trousers or skirt
  • School logo Apple Green sweatshirt or cardigan
  • School logo or plain White polo shirt
  • Grey, white or black socks
  • Grey or black tights
  • Grey logo fleece

Summer Uniform

  • Girls – Green gingham dress
  • Boys – black shorts/trousers

P.E Kit

  • Black shorts
  • School logo or plain Apple Green t-shirt
  • Plimsolls at Key Stage 1
  • Trainers at Key Stage 2
  • Water bottle

Changes due to weather

In winter children may wear black tracksuit bottoms and a jumper or hooded top for PE.

During periods of extreme hot weather we will adjust the policy accordingly and will keep parents up-to-date with any changes to this – this may include just wearing PE kit to school, hats and sunscreen.


All pupils must wear plain black shoes that are strong, safe and sensible. High-heeled shoes, boots, or trainers, are not acceptable to wear in school.  Open toe sandals are not appropriate as they leave feet unprotected.


Long hair must be tied back at all times and we do not permit extreme hairstyles such as; ‘Mohican styles’, dyed, gelled or spiked hair, lines and patterns shaved in, or hair shaved to less than a number 1.

Hair accessories such as clips, hair bands and bows can be worn in hair, as long as they are a reasonable size (not large bows) and make hair look neat and tidy. They also need to be plain or checked (in green gingham) and are in the school green that matches the school sweatshirt and cardigan.

Hijabs:  As a school, we are happy for pupils to wear a hijab as part of their religious dress, however, we do have the following requirements:

  1. The hijab must be easily removed and replaced by the child
  2. They should be made of green or grey fabric, to match school uniform colours


No jewellery is to be worn to school, except small stud earrings (which must be removed for PE and swimming). Hoop earrings and larger studs can be very dangerous and are unsuitable for school, as are necklaces, rings or bracelets.  Watches are allowed to be worn. 

Nail Varnish: Nail varnish is not permitted to be worn.

Naming Items

All articles of clothing, including shoes, must be clearly labelled with the child’s name.  It is important that shoes, especially plimsolls and trainers, are marked.

Mobile Phones

Mobile phones are not permitted in school, unless an arrangement has been made with the school Local Governing Body (LGB)[1]. This includes smartwatches and Internet enabled devices. Primary children do not need mobile phones in school or to access the curriculum.

Lost Property

All items of property found around the school will be placed in reception. Children and parents are encouraged to check here first if an item is lost.

General Attire

  • All pupils are encouraged to dress themselves smartly, shirts/polo tops tucked in where necessary, shoes polished (if needed) and wearing a jumper/cardigan for formal occasions like assemblies.


  • Failure to adhere to the school uniform policy will result in further action being taken by the Senior Leadership team. It is part of the home-school agreement between parents and school, and we expect parents to support the school in maintaining high standards of attire at all times.


  • If a child cannot wear an item of uniform for a legitimate reason, please let the class teacher know and provide a note stating this. Parents that are struggling financially need to contact the school family team, who may be able to help or signpost for additional financial support where possible.


  • If parents have difficulty in meeting any of our uniform requirements, we encourage them to talk to the school, we can often help families to resolve this type of issue. All uniform items can be purchased from our supplier Prestige Designs.  (prestigedesignww.co.uk/live/School-Uniform/Lime-Tree-Primary)

 Or scan this QR code using the camera on a mobile phone to load the page

[1] Governors will only authorise pupils to have mobile phones in school, if there are legitimate reasons, such as – children need to get multiple buses home, or are walking a significant distance home. Students that are permitted to do this, must hand their phone into reception in the morning and this will be returned at the end of the day.


***If you are facing hardship and have concerns or difficulty paying for uniform, please email admin@limetree.academy where we will do what we can to help***