At Lime Tree, we are delighted to provide children with the opportunity to use a wide range of resources to deliver our curriculum
As children move up through our school, their access to various types of technology increases and it stands to reason that their exploration and curiosity increases too.
The positives of the digital world overwhelmingly outweigh the negatives but children, schools and parents all need to be aware of the various online risks. Your help is still needed to prevent children accessing inappropriate material at home by way of filters and parental controls.
Helping parents keep their children safe online
Over the past year we have seen more and more people accessing services through the internet and spend more time online either for work, school or socialising.
The three Safeguarding Children Boards across Bedfordshire are working together to raise awareness amongst children, young people and their parents about staying safe online. We will be producing a bulletin on a quarterly basis to provide parents, professionals and young people with advice, guidance and top tips for staying safe on-line. Information will be taken from InternetMatters.org.
Through the links below you can get expert support and practical tips to help children benefit from connected technology and using the internet safely and smartly.
The internet is an amazing place!
Children can play, learn, create and connect - opening up a whole world of exciting possibilities. But with the digital world changing all the time, how can you be sure that your child is staying safe?
On this page you will find information and resources to help you with keeping your children safe online.
Top Tips for Balancing Screen Time
A balanced use of screen can offer children key benefits to help them to learn, explore and interact with the world around them. Read more screen time tips here.
Online Safety Guide for under fives
With so many websites and apps targeting children, find out the simple steps you can take to protect your young children. Advice is available here.
Gaming for Pre-Schoolers
Find out about practical gaming tips to help young children starting to game online get the best out of their experience and stay safe.
Tips for Grandparents
A recent study found that 4 in 10 grandparents help-out with childcare in what has been dubbed ‘granannying’.
To help grandparents get to grips with life online, Internet Matters have created a new Grandparents Guide to Online Safety offering practical advice to keep kids safe.
eSafety (FREE eLearning)
This course describes the various forms of abuse and danger caused by the use of technology and the internet and gives detailed information on how to counter its effects. You will be able to identify children at risk, what forms online abuse takes and how to recognise them, and information on how to help and protect children. Click here for details of our full eLearning offer, and how to access.
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