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Hawthorn Park Community Primary School



At Lime Tree Primary Academy, we believe that we deliver a curriculum that best suits the needs of our children

Through our teaching of History, we endeavor to help children to understand the complexity of people’s lives, the process of change, the diversity of societies and relationships between different groups, as well as their own identity and challenges over time.


History: essential skills and knowledge


Key Stage One

Lower Key Stage Two

Upper Key Stage Two

Historical vocabulary

Use simple vocabulary associated with the past and to describe the passing of time.

Use vocabulary appropriate to different time periods.

Apply historical vocabulary to a range of contexts, time periods and historical concepts.

•         Blast from the Past

•         Shipwreck

•         United

•         Zeus

•         Romans

•         Prehistoric Planet

•         What the Dickens?

•         The Globe

•         Mummified

·    Blast from the Past: theme overview

·    Shipwreck: theme overview

·    United: theme overview

·    Prehistoric Planet: Theme overview

·    Romans: theme overview

·    Zeus: theme overview

·    Mummified: theme overview

·    The Globe: theme overview


Order historical events within a period of history and remember important dates from the past.

Organise periods of time, noting how historical periods can be classified, remembering key facts and dates.

Establish a broad chronological overview adding depth and detail, remembering key facts and dates and checking for accuracy.

•         Blast from the Past

•         United

•         Shipwreck

•         Prehistoric Planet

•         Zeus

•         Savage Settlers

•         Romans

•         Galaxy Quest

•         Mummified

•         Amazing Islands

•         Blitz

·    Blast from the Past: theme overview

·    Shipwreck: theme overview

·    United: theme overview

·    Prehistoric Planet: Theme overview

·    Romans: theme overview

·    Savage Settlers: theme overview

·    Zeus: theme overview

·    Amazing Islands: theme overview

·    Blitz: theme overview

·    Galaxy Quest: theme overview

·    Mummified: theme overview

Similarities, differences and connections

Describe similarities and differences between their own life and life in the past.

Compare the similarities and differences between two periods of history.

Note the connections, contrasts and trends over time in two or more periods of history.

•         Blast from the Past

•         Then and Now

•         Twist and Shout

•         Prehistoric Planet

•         Zeus

•         Savage Settlers

•         Romans

•         Mummified

•         What the Dickens?

•         The Globe

·    Blast from the Past: theme overview

·    Twist and Shout: theme overview

·    Prehistoric Planet: Theme overview

·    Romans: theme overview

·    Savage Settlers: theme overview

·    Zeus: theme overview

·    Mummified: theme overview

·    The Globe: theme overview

·    What the Dickens: theme overview

Cause and consequence

Begin to understand cause and effect by considering the actions of an important historical figure.

Discuss the positive or negative impact that a person or event had on life in Britain.

Understand that historical events can have more than one cause.

Ask valid questions about the cause and consequences of events

Describe the positive and negative impacts of an individual, event or period of history on modern society.

•         United

•         Then and Now

•         Shipwreck

•         Prehistoric Planet

•         Romans

•         Savage Settlers

•         Iceberg Ahead

•         Blitz

•         What the Dickens?

•         The Globe

·    Shipwreck: theme overview

·    United: theme overview

·    Prehistoric Planet: Theme overview

·    Romans: theme overview

·    Savage Settlers: theme overview

·    Blitz: theme overview

·    Iceberg Ahead: theme overview

·    The Globe: theme overview

·    What the Dickens: theme overview

Historical enquiry and sources

Develop a wider understanding of a time period from a range of sources.

Ask and answer questions about the past from sources e.g. photographs.

Study source materials in depth, making more sophisticated observations.

Conduct research to answer historical questions: select, organise and record source information to present.

Appreciate bias in source materials and understand the importance of interpreting source information.

Investigate complex historical periods, presenting conclusions through thoughtful selection and organisation of historical information.

•         Blast from the Past

•         Dinosaur Discovery

•         Then and Now

•         Shipwreck

•         Prehistoric Planet

•         Savage Settlers

•         Catastrophe

•         Zeus

•         Romans

•         Galaxy Quest

•         Mummified

•         Blitz

•         What the Dickens?

•         Iceberg Ahead

·    Blast from the Past: theme overview

·    Dinosaur discovery: theme overview

·    Shipwreck: theme overview

·    Catastrophe: theme overview

·    Prehistoric Planet: Theme overview

·    Romans: theme overview

·    Savage Settlers: theme overview

·    Zeus: theme overview

·    Blitz: theme overview

·    Galaxy Quest: theme overview

·    Iceberg Ahead: theme overview

·    Mummified: theme overview

·    What the Dickens: theme overview

Significant individuals, events and achievements

Compare the lives of famous historical figures and explore significant events from the time period they lived.

Devise questions about the significance of an individual or event.

Describe how a significant individual or event impacted on life in Britain or the wider world.

Explain how the lives of significant individuals or significant historical events have contributed to national and international achievements or have impacted our lives today.

•         Dinosaur Discovery

•         Shipwreck

•         United

•         Twist and Shout

•         Trailblazers

•         Zeus

•         Savage Settlers

•         Galaxy Quest

•         Mummified

•         Amazing Islands

•         Iceberg Ahead

•         What the Dickens?

•         The Globe

·    Dinosaur discovery: theme overview

·    Shipwreck: theme overview

·    Twist and Shout: theme overview

·    United: theme overview

·    Savage Settlers: theme overview

·    Trailblazers: theme overview

·    Zeus: theme overview

·    Amazing Islands: theme overview

·    Galaxy Quest: theme overview

·    Iceberg Ahead: theme overview

·    Mummified: theme overview

·    The Globe: theme overview

·    What the Dickens: theme overview


Intent - what do we teach?

The aim of history at Lime Tree Primary Academy is to ensure that children leave school with a love of history and a secure understanding of the chronology of both British history and that of the wider world.

Through our History curriculum, we aim to develop an appreciation and understanding of the past. This will inspire the pupils’ curiosity to discover more about the past and how the events of the past have impacted the world they live in now.